Mission Statement: "Give our CHILDREN a Competitive Education©, TEACHERS a Voice and TAX PAYERS Relief."


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West Orange Councilman Joe Krakoviak and West Orange Board of Education Member Mark Robertson have endorsed each other for the November 8 election and committed to their shared principles for their entire terms.

Mark said, “Joe and I don’t agree on everything, but we do agree on some fundamental, philosophical principles and practices.”

1.   Mark and Joe agree on the need for an independent voice in elected government, transparency, accountability and fiscal responsibility.

2.   We believe in making all decisions based on what is right for the entire community.

 Joe agrees with Mark’s priorities of:

1.   Improving academic performance and driving measurable outcomes in college and career preparation.

2.   Reducing the reliance on property taxes and implementing a Tax Levy freeze by developing significant revenue from grants, sponsorships, and donations, while reducing costs and increasing resources through partnerships with corporations, foundations, universities and an alumni network.

3.   Addressing elementary school overcrowding through performance of a demographic study, corporate partnerships to construct school building extensions and through potential redistricting.

Mark agrees with Joe’s priorities of: 

1.   Eliminating wasteful spending and balancing expenditures with the need to keep property taxes as low as possible.

2.   Making the council more responsive to input from constituents – increasing funding to the library and creating a Senior Citizens Advisory Board, for example -- and for full consideration of all legislation.

3.   A greater focus on commercial development to increase ratables and lower our reliance on residential property taxes, and reducing the emphasis on residential development to avoid exacerbating already over-crowded schools

4.   Follow-through on “Complete Streets” as essential for public safety and transportation efficiency.

 Together, Mark and Joe are working to make West Orange an even better place to live.

 For more information, please go to https://www.facebook.com/Robertson4WestOrangeBoardofEd/ and www.JoeKrakoviak.com.

(The statements herein are solely those of Mark A. Robertson and do not necessarily represent that of the West Orange Board of Education)
Contact:  201-903-2534  / Robertson4BoardofEd@gmail.com 